
Multi-dimensional Human Embryo Logo


Brad Smith (Creative Work and Research) (embryology for medical students)
Mammalian Embryology
The Embryo Project Encylopedia
The Emryonic Disk
Human Embryology Animations
Univ. College London, Fetal Imaging
The e-Mouse Atlas Project
The Virtual Human Embryo
Univ. New South Wales, Embryology
Obstetric Ultrasound
Society for Developmental Biology

Bibliographic References (The Human Embryo)

O'Rahilly, Ronan, and Fabiola Müller. Developmental Stages in Human Embryos . Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication 637, 1987.

Gasser, Raymond F. Atlas of Human Embryos . Hagerstown: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1975.

Patten, Bradley M. Human Embryology . Philadelphia: The Blakiston Company, 1946.

Bibliographic References (Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Embryos)

Smith, BR. Magnetic Resonance Microscopy in Cardiac Develoment. Microsc Res Tech 52:323-330 , 2001.

Smith, BR. MRI and Analysis of the Embryonic and Fetal Heart. In: Etiology and Morphogenesis of Congenital Heart Disease: Twenty Years of Progress in Genetics and Developmental Biology. Ed’s EB Clark, M. Nakazawa, and A. Takao, Futura Publ. Co., New York, 2000.

Smith, BR. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis of Embryos, in: Methods in Molecular Biology:, Developmental Biology Protocols, Vol 1, Eds. R.S. Tuan and C.W. Lo., Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, 2000.

Smith, B.R. Visualizing human embryos. Scientific American, 280:76-81 (March), 1999.

Smith, BR.; Huff, DS.; Johnson GA. Magnetic resonance imaging of embryos: An internet resource for the study of embryonic development. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 23:33-40, 1999.

Huang, GY; Wessels, A; Smith, BR; Linask, KK; Ewart, JL; Lo, C. Alteration in Connexion 43 Gap Junction Gene Dosage Impairs Conotruncal Heart Development. Developmental Biology, 198:32-44, 1998.

Smith, BR; Shattuch, MD; Hedlund, LW; and Johnson, GA. Time-course imaging of rat embryos in utero with magnetic resonance microscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 39:673-677,1998.

Smith, BR.; Linney, E.; Huff, DS.; Johnson, GA. Magnetic resonance microscopy of embryos. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 20:483-490, 1996.

Smith, BR.; Johnson, GA.; Groman, EV.; Linney, E. Magnetic resonance microscopy of mouse embryos. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science., USA, 91:3530 3533, 1994.

Smith, BR.; Effmann, EL.; Johnson, GA.; MR microscopy of Chick Embryo Vasculature. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2:237-240, 1992.